sunny Taipei scene with taipei101
24 August, 2016

CONTENUR commences commercial operations in Taiwan

CONTENUR has commenced commercial operations in Taiwan with the supply of urban waste containers in the principal cities on the island. Taiwan is an island nation located in the East China Sea, with a population of approximately 23 million inhabitants and an economy that has been growing over the last three decades. It is considered one of the four Asiatic tigers, along with Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. The company that has been supplied with the containers has initially selected the rear loading type with capacities of 120, 240 and 360 litres, which will initially be distributed throughout the principal cities in the country, such as Taipéi, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taoyuan. The beginning of commercial operations in this region is one more step forward in the growth strategy in the area, in which CONTENUR has recently opened a commercial office. The Singapore and Malaysia areas are already engaged in regular commercial operations.

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